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Pet Services

  • Cleaning a bird cage should be a weekly routine. Since food particles and fecal material can harbor and entice bacterial and fungal growth, cage cleaning is extremely important to maintain a healthy environment for your bird. Soap and water make excellent cleaning solutions. Some materials, such as wood, wicker, and rope are impossible to disinfect and, therefore, should be replaced regularly.

  • Fond of children but fierce with trespassing backyard wildlife, adorably small and gigantically courageous, the Cairn Terrier can be hard to pin down.

  • These two conditions are the result of calcium being deposited within the skin. They are usually of minor significance in young dogs and cats but can indicate serious underlying diseases in older pets. This handout describes the different types of calcinosis circumscripta and cutis and associated causes, clinical signs, and treatments.

  • One of the more common uroliths in the dog is composed of calcium oxalate crystals. Current research indicates that urine high in calcium, citrates, or oxalates and is acidic predisposes a pet to developing calcium oxalate urinary crystals and stones. The most common signs that a dog has bladder stones are hematuria and dysuria. The only way to be sure that a bladder stone is made of calcium oxalate is to have the stone analyzed at a veterinary referral laboratory. Unfortunately, calcium oxalate stones have a somewhat high rate of recurrence, despite careful attention to diet and lifestyle.

  • As befitting a dog that lived on its own, The Canaan Dog is aloof toward strangers, including strange dogs. Protective of family and a natural guardian, Canaan Dogs may bark a lot but are smart, devoted, and willing to please.

  • Pet canaries should be fed a well-balanced and varied diet at all times. Several commercially formulated pelleted diets in various colors, shapes, and sizes have been developed to meet all birds' nutritional needs. Your bird's health depends on how well it is fed.

  • Canaries are lovely small birds. The males have a very melodious song. Canaries are generally easy to care for, and with a proper diet and routine veterinary check-ups, they can live up to 10 years.

  • Candida is a type of yeast that may cause problems in the digestive tract of birds. In young birds, immunocompromised birds, or birds that have been on antibiotics for an extended period, candida may overgrow in the digestive tract and cause various problems, such as 'sour crop'.

  • Extremely loyal and willing to please, Cane Corsos are very protective of home and family. They're highly intelligent, even-minded and stable, and stay close to their masters.

  • Canine influenza is a relatively new, highly contagious virus that causes respiratory disease in dogs. It has been reported in all US states and some Canadian provinces. Clinical signs include coughing, runny nose, and fever. Definitive testing can be performed in the early stages of the disease. Vaccination is recommended for dogs at a higher risk of infection or morbidity. The virus is not spread to humans, but cats can become infected.